August 2020 Virtual Delegation

Visiting the village Virtually in August 2020

We are meeting virtually with a number of village committees! It has been informative and very reassuring to re-connect with our colleagues in the Santa Maria Tzeja community. Here we share some results of this delegation.

The kickoff for the delegation was the conveyance of 120 partner family letters. We had to use our imagination to think how this could be done without bringing a bag full of envelopes to the village. A team of people in the village enlisted to make it happen, whereby all letters could be emailed to a collaborator in the village computer center. From there, a lot of printing an footwork would follow.

Mail packing replaced by 120 emails to SMT computer classroom.

After doing quite a bit of diligence, we have found that the Google Meet platform can endure the harsh internet limitations, accommodating multiple connections of participants using its phone app in Santa Maria Tzeja. Equally vital, our exceptionally talented translator Ali converts spoken Spanish to chat-box English in real time! The meetings can cover a lot of ground in this fashion, and indeed they have!

Meeting 8/1/2020 Village Scholarship Committee
Meeting 8/2/2020 with Village Computer Center Committee
Meeting 8/5/2020 with Basico (Middle School) Teachers.
Meeting with Improvement Committee Aug 9, 2020
Meeting with Health Committee Aug 9, 2020
Meeting with elementary school teachers Aug 12, 2020
Meeting with COCODE (Village Council) Aug 15, 2020