2021 Partnership Calendar
Many things are in flux owing to the circumstances of the world-wide corona virus outbreak. This calendar will be updated as the situations unfold.
Jan 3: January meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm.
Feb 7: February meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm. Leader: Caryl
Feb 10: All partner family and student letters conveyed by email to SMT Computer Center for printing and distribution in the village
Feb 12 – 22: Virtual delegation. Meetings using Google Meet with various committees and groups in Santa Maria Tzeja. Contact Brenda for schedule.
March 7: March meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm Leader: Bill
April 4: April meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm Leader: Bill
April : On account of the coronavirus pandemic, there will be no serve-a-thon fundraiser in April.
April 18: Report back of the February virtual delegation. 11:15am EDT. Contact Brenda for link.
May 2: May meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm Leader: Brenda
May: On account of the coronavirus pandemic, there will be no yard sale fundraiser in May.
May 16: A dialog on the continuing pursuit of justice in Guatemala and Beyond. Zoom event . Contact Jeff for link to this live discussion on zoom.
May 25: Airing of documentary on the lives of Clark and Kay Taylor, founders of the Guatemala Partnership. Info, trailer, links.
June 6: June meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm Leader: Brenda
June 12: The Partnership will be represented, and offering authentic Guatemalan crafts for sale at the Flea Marche’ open market event, Needham Congregational Church, 9am – 1pm. Info on Flea Marche’
June 18 – July 18: Collection and translation of August partner family and student letters.
July 5, 2020: July meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm. Leader: Brenda
July 21: Partner family letters conveyed by email to Santa Maria Tzeja Computer center for printing & distribution.
Sept 6: Letters returned from Santa Maria Tzeja mailed out to U.S. Writers.
Sept 12: September meeting of the partnership, 7pm Zoom Video Meeting (Alan)
Sept 18: Annual yard sale fundraiser Contact Brenda
Oct 3: October meeting of the partnership, Time/Loc TBD Alan
Nov 1, 2020: November meeting of the partnership Time/Loc TBD Alan
Dec 6, 2020: December meeting of the partnership, Time/Loc TBD